Circle of Dreams


Family Enrichment Centers (FECs) are welcoming home-like community spaces where neighbors are able to connect, contribute to their community, find resources, support one another, and help families thrive. The F.E.C  invites and plans with community and parent leaders to co-design and facilitate offerings that build family protective factors, creating a space that is as unique as New York City.

Circle of Dreams is one of three Family Enrichment Centers (FEC) in NYC and is located in the Highbridge community in the Bronx. Circle of Dreams is a home-like space designed to be warm and welcoming. Here community members are able to connect, contribute to their community, find resources, learn, and share with others. Circle of Dreams invites and plans with community and parent leaders that co-design and co-facilitate offerings build family protective factors, creating space that is as unique as Highbridge. 

Circle of Dreams provides several co-designed opportunities to the residents of Highbridge and the surrounding area. These offerings include education workshops, support groups, and social activities.

BBCP was recently awarded a contract with ACS to provide services and support for families through a Family Enrichment Center (FEC). The FEC is located in CD #4 (12 Clark Place) east of the BBCP storefront, which provides for greater reach into the community for our organization. The FEC model is a primary prevention intervention designed with the goal of preventing child abuse and neglect by providing a neighborhood gathering place for families to come to build social connections, participate in programming, and connect to a robust network of supports that help strengthen protective factors. FECs will partner with families to co-design programming that is responsive to their needs and interests, and will provide support across the essential domains of family and community wellbeing.

All offerings are free.

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